
如何在 Elementor 中實作逐行淡入文字動畫:分步指南

Creating Line-by-Line Fade-In Text Animations in Elementor: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Engaging User Experience: Fade-in text animations create a dynamic and visually appealing effect, enhancing the website’s interactivity and guiding users through content without overwhelming them.
  • Simple Setup with Elementor: By utilizing Elementor’s Text Editor widget and built-in Motion Effects, you can apply the fade-in animation to individual lines, controlling the sequence and timing for each.
  • Line-by-Line Animation: Breaking up content into separate lines and setting staggered delays between each ensures a smooth, sequential fade-in effect, making text more engaging and readable.
  • Advanced Effects with Elementor Pro: Unlock more animation options like scroll-triggered effects and transparency adjustments with Elementor Pro, providing greater control over how text animations behave as users interact with the page.

Text animations enhance a website’s interactivity, making the user experience more engaging. This guide explains how to create a step-by-step, line-by-line fade-in text animation using 元素 to bring dynamic and visually appealing effects to your website.

Why Use Fade-In Animations?

Fade-in animations make your content feel more alive and help direct attention to critical elements. Revealing text line by line avoids overwhelming users with too much information and creates a more structured reading experience.

Steps to Create Line-by-Line Fade-In Animation

Install and Activate Elementor

Before using Elementor’s features, ensure the plugin is installed and activated:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. 導覽到 外掛程式 > 新增 Plugin.
  3. 搜尋 元素 and click 立即安裝.
  1. 安裝完成後,按一下 啟動.

Elementor Pro unlocks more advanced animation features, which will be explored later.

Add a Text Widget

  • Opencreate a new page/post in WordPress and edit it with Elementor.
  • From the widget panel, drag the 文字編輯器 widget to the desired location on your page.

This widget serves as the base for the fade-in effect.

Apply Elementor’s Built-In Animation

  • Select the text widget.
  • left-hand panel, click the 進階 標籤。
  • Please scroll down to the Motion Effects section and expand it.
  • Entrance Animation dropdown, select Fade In.

This applies a basic fade-in animation. The following steps create the line-by-line effect.

Implementing Line-by-Line Fade-In Effect

To achieve a line-by-line fade-in, break up the text into multiple segments and animate each individually.

  • Break the text into multiple lines: Divide the content into separate lines or sentences and place each in its text widget.
  • Set individual animations: Repeat the above steps for each text widget to apply the Fade-in animation, ensuring consistency.
  • Add animation delay: Set different delays for each text widget. For example:
    • Line 1: 0.2-second delay
    • Line 2: 0.4-second delay
    • Line 3: 0.6-second delay

Staggering the delays creates a smooth, sequential fade-in effect.

Example Text:

Let’s say you want the following text to appear line by line:

“Our mission is to deliver quality. We prioritize customer satisfaction. Together, we innovate for the future.”

Step-by-Step Breakdown:

  1. Line 1:
    • Text: “Our mission is to deliver quality.”
    • Add a 文字編輯器 widget in Elementor.
    • Enter this sentence as the text.
    • Apply the Fade In animation and set the delay to 0.2 seconds.
  1. Line 2:
    • Text: “We prioritize customer satisfaction.”
    • Add another 文字編輯器 widget.
    • Enter this sentence as the text.
    • Apply the Fade In animation and set the delay to 0.4 seconds.
  1. Line 3:
    • Text: “Together, we innovate for the future.”
    • Add another 文字編輯器 widget.
    • Enter this sentence as the text.
    • Apply the Fade In animation and set the delay to 0.6 seconds.

Each sentence will fade sequentially as the user scrolls or when the animation is triggered, creating a smooth transition effect.
This method ensures that each line of text appears individually, with a slight delay between each line, to enhance readability and create a dynamic visual effect.

Advanced Fade-In Effects with Elementor Pro

Elementor Pro provides more control, including scroll-triggered effects for a dynamic experience.

  • Enable Scroll Effects:在 Motion Effects section, turn on Scroll Effects to trigger animations as the user scrolls.
  • Add Transparency: In the scroll settings, select Fade In under transparency so the text gradually appears while scrolling.
  • Adjust Speed and Direction: Fine-tune the speed and direction to match scrolling behaviour, enhancing interactivity.

Preview and Publish

After setting up the animations, preview the page to ensure everything works as expected:

  • 按一下 預覽 button at the bottom left of the Elementor editor.
  • Scroll through the page to confirm that each line fades in sequentially.
  • If the effect is correct, click 發表 to make the page live.


In conclusion, creating line-by-line fade-in text animations with Elementor is a great way to enhance user engagement by presenting content in a clear and visually appealing manner. By carefully timing the animations and adding delays, you can ensure that users absorb the information at a comfortable pace, preventing information overload. For those who want more control, Elementor Pro offers additional features like scroll-triggered animations and other customization options. After setting everything up, preview the results and publish your page to create a smooth, interactive experience for your visitors.



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