• I want to make a menu effect that hides/shows menu items based on whether the user is logged in or not?

    In one case, show 2 buttons (login and register) when the user is not logged in

    This hides username->account, logout, etc.

    The opposite when the user is logged in.

    I am using Elementor Pro, is this good to implement.

    1 評論
    • It’s not hard to implement, find the “Dynamic Display Conditions” option.

      Set the condition for the Not Logged In status menu to User Not Logged In.

      Set the condition for the logged in status menu to be that the user is logged in.

    • 我想捨棄 Elementor Pro。有哪些基本的、快速載入的部落格網站選項可供我選擇?我之前只用過 Elementor。學習使用主題很難嗎?最好是免費的選項,因為我只需要基本功能。

      • 內建的 Gutenberg 最適合快速使用。取決於您的需求以及是否需要 elementor pro。

        • 只是一個部落格?那就不需要任何花俏的東西。任何以「Twenty」開頭的捆綁式 WordPress 主題和內建的 Gutenberg 編輯器 (或甚至是 Classic Editor) 都是快速建立和載入頁面的好方法!